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Sunday, April 17, 2011

The United States and the World

                The United States is one of the most superior countries in the world. The united states military is in over 50 countries as they have over 750 bases outside of their borders.  Bases are in Austrailia, Japan, the Middle East, Europe as well as in south America. The United States has the strongest military in the world along with some of the strongest allies. The United States is usually the first country to respond to disasters when they occur around the world. In the United States anyone can make something of themselves through hard work and determination and maybe a little luck. It doesn’t hurt to know people in high places either. But in the United States people can go from having nothing to living what many call the “American Dream.” People want to live luxurious lives and ensure that their children live better lives than they did. In many other countries throughout the world if you are born into a poor family then you are destined to be poor your whole life. The United States has many good qualities, for instance we pick our leader through popular vote. In many countries leaders take power through the use of military might or rising to power because of their bloodline. In the United States all people who are suspected of committing a crime are innocent until proven guilty.  In some other countries if you are accused of committing a crime then you are thrown in jail and you are considered guilty. The United States is considered by many as the greatest country in the world.
                The United States however is not perfect and has many flaws. The United States has many problems such as a rising poverty rate as well as a high crime rate. Many people are upset with the way the country is being run as well as with our influence in other parts of the world. Many people believe that we should fix our domestic problems before we fix problems in other countries. There are many Americans that are unhappy about how things are going and could even be considered becoming anti American. America may not be perfect but it is one of the most dominant countries in the world and has the most freedoms. 

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Gasland and Natural gas

The documentary Gasland informs viewers of the dangers that are involved with the drilling and extraction of natural gas in the United States. Josh Fox the director of the film travels across the country going listening to peoples stories about how the drilling of natural gas has somehow negatively affected their health or the environment surrounding their home. Throughout the film you hear stories of families becoming ill after gas companies started drilling near their homes. There is footage of a families live stock losing its fur and not eating the food that is presented to it. Families in several locations were letting the fauset run and then lighting the water on fire because it was so contaminated with natural gas along with all of the deadly chemicals that are used to extract the gas from the deposits. Throughout the film Fox talks to scientists, families, as well as to gas company managers who often rejected having any type of interview with him.

Throughout the Film Josh traveled to places such as Utah, Wyoming, Texas, and Colorado. Fox started making this film because in May of 2008 he received a letter from a gas company that was offering him $100,000 for his land in Milanville, Pennsylvania so that they could demolish his house and drill for natural gas. It was at this time that he realized that his house was on top of the Marcellus shale which is one of the largest deposits of natural gas in North America. It was because of this that he wanted to travel across the country to learn the dangers of natural gas from people who are experiencing it firsthand. He found families who were experiencing contamination of their air, water wells and surface water. He found many ridiculous stories and images, he was given glasses of water that was brown and told that the gas companies had informed the families that the water was safe to drink. The water was absolutely disgusting and could not have been safe for consumption. The film shows many scenes that make viewers believe that the drilling of natural gas is bad. It is not all bad however, natural gas is a clean source of energy that can be found in our country and not overseas. In my opinion I believe that the drilling and extraction of natural gas is essential if we want to find other means of energy.
 I did some research online to find out if all of the facts in the movie were in fact true. I found several discrepancies. In the film it shows a mass die off of fish that was said to be caused by the drilling for natural gas. After investigation however it was said that it was caused by runoff from a local coal mine. Another incident that Josh found was in Weld County, Colorado where Mike Markham lights his tap water on fire and then blames it on the drilling of natural gas. After the Colorado oil and gas conservation commission investigated his water and found that it was caused by the fact that his water well was drilled into an underground coal deposit. I think that the film was just poorly put together and there was a lot of speculation.  

Sunday, April 3, 2011

College Drinking

            College is a place where students can work hard and get a degree but it is also a place where many students choose to binge drink as well as drink underage. Some students forget that they are at college to do work and they let their drinking and partying interfere with their studies. Students who go too hard with the partying often find themselves on academic probation or even kicked out of school. Many students simply cannot balance partying and studying. Students who cannot handle alcohol often find themselves in trouble with the campus police or involved in altercations that result in judicial action.
            According to twenty five percent of college students struggle with their academic performance. Students struggle by missing class, not going homework, and after a night of drinking students who do attend class often do not pay attention or struggle to remember what was discussed during class. I know several students who partied too hard first semester and then did not return second semester. I remember my parents always told me growing up that college can be the best four years of your life but if you screw up it can be the best three months of your life. Students who drink also tend to have police involvement according to about 5 percent of college students are involved with campus police because of drinking and 110,000 students are arrested for an alcohol related violation. Students who drink also cause damage to the university and other students personal property. Eleven percent of college students report that they have damaged someone’s property while under the influence of alcohol.

            While partying at Plymouth State I see many students being destructive while under the influence of alcohol. I live in the Blair residence hall and I cannot even play pool because people have broken the pool sticks in half and people have stolen the pool balls. Last weekend someone actually threw a pool ball through the screen television that is in the basement of my dorm. The microwave in the common are of my dorm was also stolen last weekend as well as several pictures off of the wall. I do not know what people are doing with a giant Dalmatian picture but it has been missing from the Blair basement for a few weeks. The most outrageous thing that I have seen however happened this past weekend while I was on Russell st. I was walking with my friends on my way to a friend’s house when we noticed that there was a couch in the middle of the road that was smoking. Within seconds the couch went up in flames in the middle of the street. A Plymouth police officer soon showed up as well as the Plymouth fire department to extinguish the fire. I can only imagine that this fire was started by a couple drunk kids who thought it would be funny to commit arson. Students need to be more aware of the dangers of drinking and how drinking affects peoples lives.